About Hansen & Ersbøll Agenda

Hansen & Ersbøll Agenda has since 2017 worked with engaging companies and organizations with the UN’s Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs) and assisted them in their sustainable transition.Our team offers solid sustainability expertise within change management, agenda setting, stakeholder involvement, public relations, reporting, internal and external audits, brand positioning and leadership communication.We work om multiple levels – from shorter feedback sessions to long-term implementation efforts.

Transformative change

Together with our dedicated team, we will use our strong competencies, unique tools, and solid experience to create sustainable solutions through concrete action plans Through our clients, we seek to create transformative and measurable sustainable change. This is our promise – we hope that you will join usLotte and Charlotte
 Bæredygtig Kernefortælling

Bæredygtig Kernefortælling

Brandidentitet Hovedbudskab Omverdenssanalyse Trendrapport Agendasetting Udfordringer & muligheder

 Ledelsesfokus & Ambitioner

Ledelsesfokus & Ambitioner

Strategiafklaring Bestyrelsesseminar Ledelsesforløb Visioner & Konkrete Mål Trendseminar

 Strategi & Handlingsplan

Strategi & Handlingsplan

ESG udvikling Branchekrav Transitionsworkshop Plan for organisation, medarbejdere, kunder & nye partnerskaber

 Stakeholder Mobilisering

Stakeholder Mobilisering

Stakeholderstrategi Medarbejderkit Undervisningskit Involveringsværktøjer Forandringsworkshops kick-off events

 Rapportering & Kommunikation

Rapportering & Kommunikation

CoP Rapport Kommunikationsstrategi Brandaktivering Social medieplan ESG-rapportering

Read more about how we can help your company with a sustainable transformation